Stop diluting your faith

One problem that many of us suffer with today is diluted faith. What do I mean by 'diluted', you ask? Well, to dilute something means to add water, or lessen the concentration of a substance. Today, we let the smallest everyday tasks and choices get in the way of our time with God. 

For example:

The other morning on my way to work I received a call from my boss saying I didn't need to come in due to low business. I was relieved, as I was dreading working that day. I decided that I would use this extra time to progress in a new video game I had recently bought. When I returned home, I sat down and turned on my Xbox, and as I was waiting for my game to load my eyes shifted to my Bible sitting on the coffee table in front of me. 

"I haven't read that in a while" I thought.

But instead of picking it up to spend some time with God, I dismissed the thought and continued to play my game. 

"I'll just do it later tonight" I told myself.

See, it is exactly that 'I'll do it later' kind of thinking that will drift us away from our Christian lives and our relationship with Christ. We are very a busy species. Daily, we have interviews, meetings, hangouts, dinners; we have these schedules that are so chocked full of things that when we do find ourselves with some free time, we're far too exhausted to pull our Bibles out and spend some time in prayer. 

Although God knows our hearts, it's still important for us to devote some time in our day to thanking Him and simply talking to Him. After all, He did give you all that you have today.

One way we can help ourselves to stay focused and strong in our faith is to do devotionals. Whether that be 5 minutes before bed, or 5 minutes before you go to work, a devotional is a great way to spend some time with The Lord. 

I myself recently started a nightly devotional with my wife, Grace. We spend about 10 minutes before bed praying together, and reflecting on scripture that relate to what's going on in our daily lives. It not only has helped us grow closer to our Father in Heaven, but also strengthened our bond as a married couple. We have seen significant changes in our lives, such as less stress, less anxiety, and we are seeing more positivity around us in our everyday experiences. 

If you're looking to rekindle your connection with Jesus, you can start by praying. Talk to Him. It can be done anywhere, at anytime. Most people have it in their heads that you have to bow your head and close your eyes and speak out loud to indulge in prayer, that is not true. You can pray while you brush your teeth, take out trash, or even while you eat breakfast. It's not as hard as people make it out to be, you just have to really want to listen. If you want to start on a daily devotional, here are a few I recommend:

Classic Devotionals:

Devotionals for Women:

Thanks for reading. I hope that you can find your way closer to God and the life He has planned for you. Remember:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 
— Philippians 4:13 

Best wishes,

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